BHK Community Action Agency has been helping individuals and
families in the three-county area since 1965.
BHK is
a non-profit Community Action Agency governed by a 12-member
tri-partite board. The Board is made up of representatives
from public, private, and low-income sectors of the
community. BHK is funded by federal, state, and local grants
as well as private foundations. Private donations are
greatly appreciated and can be designated for a specific
purpose or for general use to meet any need we can provide.
In fiscal year 2024, B-H-K Community Action Agency
assisted more than 2,700 individuals through fuel
assistance, water assistance, emergency assistance, energy
assistance, tax assistance, home weatherization, bus rides,
food assistance, in-home programs for seniors, youth
recreation, furnace/chimney cleaning assistance, and the
operation of the Keweenaw Handicraft Shop in Ahmeek.
CAA Programs Assisted: |
188 | Households received fuel, water, and/or energy assistance |
20 | Households were provided minor home/plumbing repairs |
164 | Individuals received income tax/credit assistance |
44 | Homes were weatherized (12 roofs) |
132 | Area crafters sold crafts at the Keweenaw Handicraft Shop |
145 | Seniors were assisted with In-Home services |
14 | Households received furnace or chimney cleaning & repairs |
19 | Households were provided energy efficient furnaces or water heaters |
1700+ | Individuals received food assistance – 16,391 boxes distributed |
90 | Individuals received transportation services – 4,672 rides |
7 | Youth were assisted with recreational activities/1 summer employment |
204 | Families participated in our diaper programs. |